Considerations for Model Selection and Deployment

Stephanie Fissel
7 min readDec 11, 2023

By Stephanie Fissel, Jackie Fraley, and Sydney Mathiason

In the machine learning lifecycle, model selection and deployment represent critical steps that can significantly affect the success of a project. Model selection involves choosing the most appropriate model or combination of models for making predictions. The objective is to identify a model that generalizes well to new, unobserved data and effectively addresses the problem. Given the vast number of possible model combinations, this process can be challenging. Several factors, including the nature of the data, complexity of the problem, and desired outcomes, influence decision-making in model selection. Therefore, there are multiple considerations when selecting the optimal combinations of models.

Deployment, on the other hand, takes a trained model and integrates it into an existing production environment to make real-time predictions or decisions. This step requires careful consideration of scalability, interpretability, and ongoing monitoring for potential performance drift. A well-chosen model is not simply a technical decision but a strategic one, influencing the project’s effectiveness, reliability of predictions, and acceptance in real-world applications.

The trade-offs between model complexity, interpretability, and accuracy are fundamental considerations in this process. Achieving an optimal balance between all of these factors is essential for developing effective and practical models.

Model Complexity

Model complexity refers to the intricacy of a model in capturing the underlying patterns and relationships within the training data. It is a key concept in the process of model selection and involves finding the right balance between simplicity and the ability to represent complex relationships

Pros: Complex models can capture detailed patterns and relationships within the data, as well as achieve high accuracy, especially in problems with a high degree of complexity.

Cons: In general, more complex models have higher accuracy and precision, but they are more likely to be nonlinear and overfitted. This is when the model performs very well on the training data but struggles in generalizing to new, unseen data. Overly complex models may also be computationally expensive and difficult to interpret.

Selecting the appropriate level of model complexity involves finding a good balance between capturing the complexity of the underlying relationships and preventing overfitting. Techniques like regularization, cross-validation, and careful feature selection can be employed to achieve this balance and avoid any drawbacks associated with overly simple and overly complex models. This choice should overall align with the specific characteristics of the dataset and the goals of the task at hand.


Interpretability refers to the ability to understand and explain how a model arrives at a particular prediction or decision. It is crucial in situations where transparency and understandability are necessary. Interpretability ensures that the inner workings of the model are clear and can be communicated to stakeholders, users, or regulatory bodies.

Pros: Simple models (linear regression, decision trees, logistic regression) are inherently more interpretable since their straightforward structures make it easier to understand and explain the relationships between input features and predictions.

Cons: Simplified models might struggle to capture detailed patterns in complex datasets, potentially sacrificing accuracy for the sake of interpretability.

Balancing interpretability involves finding the sweet spot between creating models that are easily interpretable while still maintaining a good level of predictive accuracy. Achieving this balance is crucial since it ensures that the model is not only trustworthy and explainable but also capable of making effective predictions.


Accuracy refers to the measure of how well a model correctly predicts the outcomes of a task. It is a common evaluation metric used to assess the overall performance of a model. A higher accuracy indicates better overall predictive performance.

Pros: The main focus of any model is to accurately predict outcomes. More complex models typically have the potential to reach higher accuracy, especially when the underlying relationships are detailed and nonlinear.

Cons: Pursuing maximum accuracy may lead to overly complex models, introducing risk of overfitting and making them less interpretable. Additionally, overly intricate models may not always be practical in the real world because of computational constraints.

Balancing accuracy in model selection involves considering multiple factors to ensure that the chosen model not only achieves high accuracy but also meets other relevant criteria for a given task. While accuracy is an important metric, it may not always be sufficient on its own, especially when the data is imbalanced or when different types of errors have varying consequences.

Bias-Variance Tradeoff:

There is a common tradeoff between bias and variance where simple models with low complexities may have high bias and underfit the model, therefore oversimplifying underlying patterns. On the other hand, complex models may have high variance, capturing noise in the training data and leading to overfitting.

While navigating the tradeoffs between model complexity, interpretability, and accuracy is integral to effective machine learning, it’s also essential to recognize scenarios where opting for a model with slightly lower accuracy becomes a strategic choice based on a broader set of considerations. For instance, there are scenarios where factors such as interpretability, resource constraints, and ethical considerations can take precedence over marginal gains in predictive accuracy. This idea comes from the problem-solving principle called Occam’s razor which, in this case, recommends constructing a model with the fewest assumptions (simpler) to reach an optimal solution since it will be less prone to overfitting and often generalize better.

The following are some real-world scenarios of when simplicity over accuracy could present itself:


In fields like healthcare and finance where model interpretability is crucial, a simpler model may be preferred. A slightly less accurate but more interpretable model allows practitioners to understand and trust the decision-making process, making it easier to communicate findings to stakeholders.

Resource Constraints

When computational resources are limited, opting for a less complex model may be necessary. Complex models often require more extensive computing power for training and inference, so choosing a model that balances accuracy with resource efficiency ensures practical feasibility in deployment.

Training Time

If a model has time constraints, a less complex model could be preferred. Training complex ensemble models, deep neural networks, or SVMs can be time-consuming, so a simpler model might be a reasonable alternative, providing quicker results without giving up too much accuracy.

Data Availability

When data may be scarce or have a lot of noise, a more complex model may overfit to the noise in the training data, resulting in poor generalization to new data. A simple model may generalize better in this case, giving more robust predictions.

Regulatory Compliance

Industries and applications that are subject to regulatory compliance may necessitate simpler models to meet requirements, facilitate audits, and align with established standards.

Real-Time Applications

In cases requiring real-time predictions, a simple model may be better since complex models can introduce inactivity and lags, therefore being impractical for situations that need quick decision making.

Cost Sensitivity

Training and deploying complex models can be expensive, so in cost-sensitive situations, choosing a less complex model that is still relatively accurate can save a lot of money without sacrificing a lot of predictive performance.

In conclusion, the journey from model selection to deployment involves intricate tradeoffs between accuracy, complexity, and interpretability. While complexity often promises higher accuracy, strategic considerations may lead too the preference for slightly less accurate but more interpretable models. Inspired by Occam’s razor, the pursuit of simplicity becomes a strategic imperative, particularly in fields demanding interpretability, facing resource constraints, or prioritizing ethical considerations. Recognizing these nuanced scenarios enhances our understanding of effective model deployment, emphasizing that model selection is a bargain between technicality and strategic decision-making.

